Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Monday, October 26, 2009

Dawn Black

"My drawings not only explore my own mania
regarding disguised and surrogate identity but
of society’s at large by depicting scenes of
carefully selected concealed figures drawn in
gouache and ink on paper." Dawn Black

conceal project #085, gouache, ink, & watercolor on paper, 7 1/2" x 5 1/2" (2009)
Image found on

"In dreamstates, Linda has detailed visions
in color of her creations. In oil she is able
to capture these scenes on canvas with a
unique style and representation of wildlife.
Although she has not had any formal training,
through the years she has been able to create
her own look that she calls "Wildlife Fantasy"."

Pick Out Your Cloud (2005)
Subject: frog dart frog anglefish fish
Dimensions (inches): 40 x 30
Medium: oil
Description: This painting came about from a song by Tori Amos that I like.
A line in the song is "Pick out your cloud". I thought that would be a good title
for a painting. Almost two years later I had a dream of this.

Upper Deck Dodo (2008)
Subject: dodo, bird, fish, potoat cod, grouper, egg, quail egg, pig, bell
Dimensions (inches): 18 x 34
Medium: Oil
Description: Dodo bird on upper deck of a potato cod grouper fish
with a quail egg, and a piglet to lead the way with bells.
Allen Jones

"Jones's preference was for glamour and style,
and his aesthetic centred on beautiful women
visualised erotically and stereotypically as in
glossy magazines, advertisements and cartoon
strips. Underpinned with a great mastery of colour
and a consummate painting technique, Jones's
work fluctuates between painting and sculpture."

Chair 1969

Painted plastic and mixed media
object: 775 x 571 x 991 mm

no title] 1976-7

Screenprint on paper
unconfirmed: 502 x 702 mm
on paper, print

Friday, October 23, 2009

"Cristina is a self-taught artist and paints primarily
in acrylic, however she also uses scratchboard from
time to time. Her artwork is very detail oriented and
she aims to bring the viewer an up close, intimate
look at nature." Cristina Penesc

Subject: Wolf
Dimensions (inches): 24 x 36
Medium: Acrylic

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Primavera 09
Exhibition by Young Australian Artists


“As contemporary art continues to expand outwards,
artists are practising with a new level of fearlessness
and curiosity.”
Jeff Khan, Guest Curator,
Primavera 2009